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Racket をCentOS にインストール

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Racket をCentOS にインストール

Racket | Scheme | CentOS |



# chmod +x racket-5.3.6-bin-i386-linux-f12.sh 

# ./racket-5.3.6-bin-i386-linux-f12.sh 
This program will extract and install Racket v5.3.6.

Note: the required diskspace for this installation is 357M.

Do you want a Unix-style distribution?
  In this distribution mode files go into different directories according
  to Unix conventions.  A "racket-uninstall" script will be generated
  to be used when you want to remove the installation.  If you say 'no',
  the whole Racket directory is kept in a single installation directory
  (movable and erasable), possibly with external links into it -- this is
  often more convenient, especially if you want to install multiple
  versions or keep it in your home directory.
Enter yes/no (default: no) > yes

Where do you want to base your installation of Racket v5.3.6?
  (If you've done such an installation in the past, either
   enter the same directory, or run 'racket-uninstall' manually.)
  1 - /usr/... [default]
  2 - /usr/local/...
  3 - ~/... (/home/piroto/...)
  4 - ./... (here)
  Or enter a different directory prefix to install in.
> 2

Target Directories:
  [e] Executables   /usr/local/bin (exists)
  [r] Racket Code   /usr/local/lib/racket/collects (will be created)
  [d] Core Docs     /usr/local/share/racket/doc (will be created)
  [l] C Libraries   /usr/local/lib (exists)
  [h] C headers     /usr/local/include/racket (will be created)
  [o] Extra C Objs  /usr/local/lib/racket (will be created)
  [m] Man Pages     /usr/local/share/man (exists)
Enter a letter to change an entry, or enter to continue.
Checking the integrity of the binary archive... ok.
Unpacking into "/usr/local/racket-tmp-install" (Ctrl+C to abort)...
Moving bin -> /usr/local/bin
Moving collects -> /usr/local/lib/racket/collects
Moving doc -> /usr/local/share/racket/doc
Moving include -> /usr/local/include/racket
Moving lib -> /usr/local/lib/racket
Moving man -> /usr/local/share/man
Moving README -> /usr/local/share/racket/doc/README
Writing uninstaller at: /usr/local/bin/racket-uninstall...
Rewriting configuration file at: /usr/local/lib/racket/collects/config/config.rkt...
Recompiling to /usr/local/lib/racket/collects/config/compiled/config_rkt.zo...

Installation complete.


$ drracket