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2021年1月21日 (木) 15:11時点におけるPiroto (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (→‎kubectlコマンド)
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  • 公式なクライアントは、kubectl
  • kubectlを使用してクラスターと対話できるようになります
  • Kubernetes APIと連携するコマンドラインツール
  • minikube から利用する場合
> minikube kubectl version



  • Kubernetesでは、クラスタの操作は全て、Kubernetes Masterの APIを介して行われる
  • 手動で操作する場合には、CLIツールの kubectl を利用するのが一般的
  • Kubectl が Kubernetes Master と通信するには、接続先サーバー情報や認証情報が必要となる
  • デフォルトでは、~/.kube/config に書かれている情報を使用して接続を行う
  • https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/
コマンド 内容
kubectl version クライアントkubectlおよびAPIサーバーのバージョンを表示
kubectl get リソースの情報を表示 $ kubectl get nodes

$ kubectl get service -n kube-system

kubectl run イメージをPodで作成、実行 $ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
kubectl describe リソースの詳細情報 $ kubectl describe nodes

$ kubectl describe service -n kube-system kubernetes-dashboard

kubectl top リソース使用量の確認 $ kubectl top node
kubectl exec Podでコマンドを実行する $ kubectl exec -it nginx-pod -- /bin/sh
kubectl logs Podのログ確認 $ kubectl logs nginx-pod
kubectl api-resources サポートされているAPIリソースの一覧表示
kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager.

 Find more information at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/

Basic Commands (Beginner):
  create        Create a resource from a file or from stdin.
  expose        Take a replication controller, service, deployment or pod and expose it as a new Kubernetes Service
  run           Run a particular image on the cluster
  set           Set specific features on objects

Basic Commands (Intermediate):
  explain       Documentation of resources
  get           Display one or many resources
  edit          Edit a resource on the server
  delete        Delete resources by filenames, stdin, resources and names, or by resources and label selector

Deploy Commands:
  rollout       Manage the rollout of a resource
  scale         Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet or Replication Controller
  autoscale     Auto-scale a Deployment, ReplicaSet, or ReplicationController

Cluster Management Commands:
  certificate   Modify certificate resources.
  cluster-info  Display cluster info
  top           Display Resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage.
  cordon        Mark node as unschedulable
  uncordon      Mark node as schedulable
  drain         Drain node in preparation for maintenance
  taint         Update the taints on one or more nodes

Troubleshooting and Debugging Commands:
  describe      Show details of a specific resource or group of resources
  logs          Print the logs for a container in a pod
  attach        Attach to a running container
  exec          Execute a command in a container
  port-forward  Forward one or more local ports to a pod
  proxy         Run a proxy to the Kubernetes API server
  cp            Copy files and directories to and from containers.
  auth          Inspect authorization

Advanced Commands:
  diff          Diff live version against would-be applied version
  apply         Apply a configuration to a resource by filename or stdin
  patch         Update field(s) of a resource using strategic merge patch
  replace       Replace a resource by filename or stdin
  wait          Experimental: Wait for a specific condition on one or many resources.
  convert       Convert config files between different API versions
  kustomize     Build a kustomization target from a directory or a remote url.

Settings Commands:
  label         Update the labels on a resource
  annotate      Update the annotations on a resource
  completion    Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)

Other Commands:
  alpha         Commands for features in alpha
  api-versions  Print the supported API versions on the server, in the form of "group/version"
  config        Modify kubeconfig files
  plugin        Provides utilities for interacting with plugins.
  version       Print the client and server version information

  kubectl [flags] [options]


$ curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$(curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
$ sudo chmod +x ./kubectl
$ sudo install kubectl /usr/local/bin