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5,054 バイト追加 、 2020年2月15日 (土) 07:30
ページの作成:「==Bower== [YEOMAN][Node.js] *http://bower.io/ *パッケージ管理ツール ===インストール=== $ npm install -g bower =====バージョンの確認=====…」

$ npm install -g bower
$ bower -v

$ mkdir test_app
$ cd test_app
[piroto@localhost test_app]$ bower init
? name: test_app
? version: 0.0.0
? description: test application
? main file:
? what types of modules does this package expose?:
? keywords:
? authors: piroto <pppiroto@gmail.com>
? license: MIT
? homepage:
? set currently installed components as dependencies?: Yes
? add commonly ignored files to ignore list?: Yes
? would you like to mark this package as private which prevents it from being accidentally published? would you like to mark this package as private which prevents it from being accidentally published to the registry?: No

name: 'test_app',
version: '0.0.0',
authors: [
'piroto <pppiroto@gmail.com>'
description: 'test application',
license: 'MIT',
ignore: [

? Looks good?: Yes
$ bower help

$ bower search ui-bootstrap
Search results:

angular-ui-bootstrap-bower git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap-bower
angular-ui-bootstrap git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap.git
ui-bootstrap git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap.git
jquery-ui-bootstrap git://github.com/gustavohenke/jquery-ui-bootstrap
jqueryuibootstrap git://github.com/addyosmani/jquery-ui-bootstrap.git
angular-ui-bootstrap3 git://github.com/kkruit/angular-ui-bootstrap3-bower.git

$ bower install angular-ui-bootstrap-bower --save
bower not-cached git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap-bower.git#*
bower resolve git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap-bower.git#*
bower download https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap-bower/archive/0.12.1.tar.gz
bower extract angular-ui-bootstrap-bower#* archive.tar.gz
bower resolved git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap-bower.git#0.12.1
bower not-cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#>=1 <1.3.0
bower resolve git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#>=1 <1.3.0
bower download https://github.com/angular/bower-angular/archive/v1.2.28.tar.gz
bower extract angular#>=1 <1.3.0 archive.tar.gz
bower resolved git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.2.28
bower install angular-ui-bootstrap-bower#0.12.1
bower install angular#1.2.28

angular-ui-bootstrap-bower#0.12.1 bower_components/angular-ui-bootstrap-bower
└── angular#1.2.28

angular#1.2.28 bower_components/angular

$ bower install angular-bootstrap --save
$ bower install angular-route#1.2.28 --save
$ bower install angular-resource#1.2.28 --save
$ bower install angular-cookies --save
$ bower install angular-md5 --save
$ bower install ngUpload --save
$ bower install bootstrap --save
$ bower install angular-facebook --save
$ bower install angular-sanitize --save
$ bower install angular-social --save
$ bower install angulartics --save
$ bower install angulartics-google-analytics --save
=====bower list=====
$ bower list
bower check-new Checking for new versions of the project dependencies..
phraseit#0.0.0 /home/piroto/bower/phraseit
├─┬ angular-bootstrap#0.12.1 (latest is 0.13.3)
│ └── angular#1.2.28 (1.2.29-build.592+sha.b041b66 available, latest is 1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52)
├─┬ angular-cookies#1.3.15 (1.3.18 available, latest is 1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52)
│ └── angular#1.2.28 incompatible with 1.3.15 (1.3.15 available, latest is 1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52)
├── angular-facebook#0.2.3
├─┬ angular-md5#0.1.7 (0.1.8 available)
│ └── angular#1.2.28 (1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52 available)
├─┬ angular-resource#1.2.28 (latest is 1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52)
│ └── angular#1.2.28 (latest is 1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52)
├─┬ angular-route#1.2.28 (latest is 1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52)
│ └── angular#1.2.28
├─┬ angular-sanitize#1.3.15 (1.3.18 available, latest is 1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52)
│ └── angular#1.2.28
├─┬ angular-social#1.0.0
│ └── angular#1.2.28 incompatible with >= 1.3.0 (1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52 available)
├─┬ angular-ui-bootstrap-bower#0.12.1 (latest is 0.13.3)
│ └── angular#1.2.28
├─┬ angulartics#0.20.0
│ ├── SHA-1#0.1.1
│ ├── angular#1.2.28 (1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52 available)
│ └── waypoints#3.1.1 (latest is 4.0.0)
├─┬ angulartics-google-analytics#0.1.1
│ └── angulartics#0.20.0
├─┬ bootstrap#3.3.4 (3.3.5 available, latest is 4.0.0-alpha)
│ └── jquery#2.1.3 (3.0.0-alpha1+compat available)
└─┬ ngUpload#0.5.14 (0.5.17 available)
└── angular#1.2.28 (1.4.5-build.4188+sha.7e67e52 available)
